If I Could Help You Make an Extra $100, $1000, $10,000, $100,000 or Even $1,000,000 Dollars for a FREE Trial, Would You take That Offer?

Monthly Plan:

  • Flexible monthly payments

  • Full access to all features

  • Ideal for short-term needs or trial periods

  • Cancel anytime

  • Onboarding Call

  • A-Z 9 Figure Business Curriculum

  • Community of 6,7, & 8 Figure Entrepreneurs

  • 1-1 interaction w/9 Figure Entrepreneur Tanner Chidester via loom & messaging

  • Bonuses for highest engaging members

I’m going to tell you what Elite University is, what it’s about, and then you can decide if you want to join..

Elite University is for ANYONE who wants to get more clients and start a business.

Ever heard of Iman Gadzhi, Hamza Ahmed, or Alex Hormozi? 

They are all online entrepreneurs, and they make a ton of money. I’m even lucky enough to be friends with a few of them. 

I’ve been in the space for over 6 years now and done over 100+ million in sales. I know that is a MASSIVE number and quite honestly, half the time I can’t believe it myself knowing where I came from. 


Scaling your business to 7-8 Figures.

Back when I started my business I was 25 years old, had $2000 in my pocket, and was living in a spare bedroom in my parents home.

I always wanted to play in the NFL and I actually was able to have a small stint at the Division 1 level, but it never happened. At 25 years old I realized I had to start getting serious about my life.

If I knew what I knew back then, I would have gotten to where I am today, in a fraction of the time. 

I had no idea what I was doing, what to do, or even where to start. At that time I was heavily into fitness, as you can imagine, so I settled on that as my first business to start.

Unfortunately over the next 2 years I only made $2000 total trying to piece it all together on my own. I had no clue what I was doing, and my results reflected that. I was so discouraged at one point I considered quitting and going back to school to finish getting my petroleum engineering degree. 

But almost as if God himself heard me, I had a breakthrough. This breakthrough led me on a rampage over the next 6 years to the tune of $100+ million in sales. To be honest I would have been happy making $10,000 a month, I never even in my wildest dreams thought I would be doing 1-2 million a month. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you’re going to sign up and do $100+ million in sales. In fact, it takes a dedicated individual to make millions of dollars. But I’ve also seen a lot of people make money without doing very much. I realize most people don’t want the ENTIRE pie I have, just a piece of it.

How did I learn what to do?

Part of it was mentors, but the other part was being obsessed with success. I’ve spent millions and millions of dollars on ads, staff, consulting, and everything in between to gain tens of thousands of hours of experience. 

I lost girlfriends, I lost friends, I was laughed at and mocked, but I knew there was more out there for me. I decided to win by any means necessary (long as it was ethical and moral).

I’ve won so much that i’ve been in magazines, written a book, gotten numerous awards from entrepreneurial organizations, paid off my parent’s mortgage, bought my dream car, lived in the most prestigious building in all of miami, and (most importantly) helped over 50,000+ people completely change their lives for the better. 

Many of them became quite successful like the ones you see below crossing over 1+ million in sales relatively quickly.

I’ve hung with Russell Brunson (9 figure entrepreneur), Alex Hormozi (9 figure entrepreneur), Lucy Guo (20ish year old mega-millionaire prodigy), Just Hartfield (owner of weedmaps), Scott Cohen (sold company for 1 billion in under 2 years), among a plethora of other champion caliber entrepreneurs. 

Now I only mention this so you know I'm not just another online “guru.”

The amount of watered down and repackaged nonsense I see out there gets me really worked up. I have gone through some of those things and I ended up wasting a ton of time and losing a bunch of money.  

Which is why I started Elite University. 

I felt that most of the information online these days is too complex, overpriced, taught by someone unqualified, or quite honestly sucks.

In fact some people overthink so much, they never do anything at all. 

This can be super SIMPLE if you listen and follow the right strategy. That’s why people pay me as high as $200k a year or even $10k an hour to make complex problems become SIMPLE again. 

Whether you’re brand new or trying to scale your existing business, we can help. 

I have too many success stories to even try to write out so let me just show you what I mean.

When Our Clients Win, We Win!

Austin Paulsen – Coach

From ads, copy, fulfillment, sales ect… they do a really good job of having a specialized coach in each area help you. In only the first 2 months of the program I over doubled my revenue.

Steph Kawaja

I was super nervous to start and completely transform my life, but my coach George was amazing and so supportive along the way. I left my job a month ago and now pursuing this full time. I can’t say enough good things about Elite CEOs!

Jon Jamati – Double Digital Coach

Absolute love the program. So far has been a great experience! From organic to paid ads, this course goes over everything. If you are willing to put the work in and not have a victim mindset, you will be great.

Ryan Heenan – Coach

With the program you don’t just get Tanner you get sales coaches, ads coaches, messenger coaches, and mindset coaches who are more than happy to connect to make sure everything is clear.

Monthly Plan:

  • Flexible monthly payments

  • Full access to all features

  • Ideal for short-term needs or trial periods

  • Cancel anytime

  • Onboarding Call

  • A-Z 9 Figure Business Curriculum

  • Community of 6,7, & 8 Figure Entrepreneurs

  • 1-1 interaction w/Tanner Chidester via loom

I don’t focus on teaching a “one size fits all” approach. That’s a bunch of bs.

The best consultants in the world know this and that’s why before I EVER give advice I know your exact situation to a T. Otherwise I can end up giving you advice that takes you down the wrong rabbit hole for 6 months.

Who wants to waste 6 months because they got the wrong advice?

And if we’re being honest do you want advice from someone who just hit 10k, 100k or even 1 million?


Someone who had 100 staff, 50,000 clients, 30 million in ad spend, and over 100+ million in sales?

If you think experience in this game doesn’t matter, you’re just flat out WRONG. 

Inside Elite University I use my experience to make your path to success as SIMPLISTIC as humanly possible.

We will help you to:


Develop an offer that makes people beg to work with you.


Learn how to get new clients via social media, email marketing, paid ads, and everything in between. You can use these skills to grow your business or help another business.


Learn how to set up backend systems, funnels, and automations.


Learn how to sell 3k-200k packages over a phone in less than 60 minutes.


Learn how to turn followers into paying clients (the only statistic that matters)


Learn how to personally develop yourself so that who you want to become can become a reality, and not just a dream.


You will meet 7,8, and 9 figure entrepreneurs in the community that you otherwise would never have access to.

And the best part is because of my level of experience you will have options to build or do whatever it is you want.

You want to see how to build a community like mine? No problem.

You want to build a high ticket offer and get paid 5 figures per client?

No problem.

You want to create a subscription model or low ticket product?

No problem.

You want to just be an affiliate and promote other people's stuff?

No problem.

I don’t really care what it is you want to do, rest assured…I’ve done it. And the best way to learn is from someone who's been there and done that.

No matter what it is you want to do, Elite University will help you to get there. Here is everything that’s included:

Elite University Access

($20,470 Value)


$100M CEO's Playbook:

Insider access to a $100M CEO's blueprints, tactics, and strategies for less than $4/day.


Growth Acceleration Kit:

Proven systems with copy-paste templates to eliminate guesswork and fast-track your growth.


Elite CEOs Mastermind Insider Access:

Exclusive access to Elite CEOs Mastermind training, previously accessible only to our mastermind clients paying upwards of $10,000.


7-8 Figure Scaling Library:

A comprehensive resource library covering every aspect of scaling to 7-8 figures, including access to all new paid monthly masterclasses.


Elite Support Network:

Support from an Elite community of like-minded entrepreneurs with a team of 8-figure experts & 7-figure client success managers.

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Get exclusive community access to cutting-edge strategies and systems, generating over $100M in sales & booking over 32,173 calls.

Forget paying $10k for a few modules only to realize you need to invest in another expensive program to solve the next piece of the puzzle.

You'll have at your fingertips a comprehensive training portal that eliminates overwhelm and gives you step-by-step guidance whether you're just starting out or ready to scale to 7-8 figures and beyond.

These are the "Insider Strategies" our Mastermind clients use to achieve consistent 5-, 6-, 7-, and even 8-figure months, which are now yours.

Whether you're just starting out or ready to scale to the moon, Elite University Access has you covered.

Tanner's Elite Vault

($10,000 Value)


Monthly $10,000/hr Business Audit:

Apply for a business audit, and I’ll pick one every month. I'll identify bottlenecks and provide a clear path to remove them, plus I'll give your business massive exposure across our platforms.


Winning Strategy Spotlight:

Breakdowns of our most successful marketing campaigns with valuable insights and actionable takeaways to immediately implement in your own business.


Guest Spotlight:

I’ll bring in industry experts and reveal cutting-edge tips, insights, and hacks on scaling a profitable business TODAY so you can stay ahead of the curve and execute these strategies before your competition does.

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The Elite “Hall of Fame”: Recordings of my private client calls that led to massive wins, plus insider insights from successful EU members on how they achieved remarkable results

As an Elite University member…

You'll have the exclusive opportunity to apply for a monthly $10,000/hr-level business audit conducted by me personally.

Each month, I'll select one business from the submitted applications and perform an in-depth audit.

I'll identify bottlenecks and provide a clear path to remove them.

The chosen business will also receive massive exposure across our platforms.

You'll get to watch as I audit the selected client's business, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the exact systems and processes I use with my private clients to help them scale to 8-figures and beyond.

Plus, I'll bring in world-renowned entrepreneurs and experts to share their most closely guarded secrets and answer your burning questions live during our monthly sessions!

Irresistible Offer Formula

($997 Value)


10K+ Pricing Secrets:

Learn how to price your services for 10K+ months with just one deal.


Irresistible Offer Creation:

Craft offers that allow you to collect $3,000, $10,000 or more upfront from each client.


Premium Positioning Strategy:

Create offers that address your target audience's most pressing problems and charge 3x to 5x more than competitors.


"Big Whale Client" Magnet:

Structure your offers with attractive USPs that attract high-end clients.


Buyer Psychology Triggers:

Leverage this to develop USPs that make your offer worth far more than $10,000 in your prospect's eyes.

Read more

If you are finding it hard to stand out and charge premium prices, then here’s what this means:

Your offers and marketing messages aren't resonating with your target audience. You need to optimize your offers to resonate with your audience and convert more sales.

The Irresistible 10K Offer Formula is your step-by-step guide to positioning your offers as the must-have solution to your audience's most pressing problems.

It allows you to charge top dollar and stand out from the crowd.

Elite Ads Profit Surge

($1497 Value)


Conversions Traffic System:

Proprietary Facebook Ads strategy for high-quality leads at less than $10/day, with winning Ad examples, scripts, and creatives.


ROI-Boosting Retargeting Secrets:

Behind-the-scenes retargeting Ads strategy to skyrocket ROI from $3k to $500k a month in a year.


Instant Social Proof Formula:

Exclusive engagement strategy that attract ideal clients, with step-by-step walkthrough on launching instant form & direct messaging campaigns.


$200k Overnight IG Shoutouts Case Study:

Powerful Instagram strategy that generated $200k overnight at 27x ROI without paid Ads.

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Want to scale to the moon with paid ads?

I'll give you the exact ad systems and copy-and-paste templates that have helped us book 40+ high-ticket calls per week and generate over $100M in the last 6 years.

Plus, discover untapped YouTube Ads strategy that generated $4 million in sales with 4X return on ad spend, with plug-and-play Ad creatives, scripts, and templates.

The Elite Ads Profit Surge is your ultimate blueprint for creating a tidal wave of high-ticket sales and skyrocketing your revenue with paid ads.

Elite Funnel Systems

($1997 Value)


$100M+ Elite Funnel Systems:

Proven front-end and back-end systems for consistent sales, including lead magnet funnels, webinars, and automated client conversion machines.


Elite CEOs VSL Funnel System:

Access to $100M VSL funnel system and high-converting VSL frameworks that have created over $1B in revenue for clients.


Low Ticket Funnel Training:

Craft and structure low-ticket offers for maximum conversions and skyrocket sales.


Discovery Call Marketing Funnel:

Battle-tested funnel template to generate high-quality leads and book your calendar with eager prospects ready to invest in high-ticket offers.

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Everything you need to create a predictable, automated income stream that works for you 24/7.

Discover proven funnel that consistently converts leads into buyers, showcasing products compellingly and creating irresistible offers.

No more guesswork, no more trial-and-error, just proven, plug-and-play templates that have generated over $100M in revenue across dozens of niches.

High-Ticket Closing Mastery ($997 Value)


$100M Sales Strategy:

Our $100M sales strategy, including set calls, qualifying leads, closing, post-booking actions, and successful conversion points.


8-Point Sales Closing System:

Exclusive system used by elite entrepreneurs to convert cold leads, with 8-figure closing script or 60%+ closing rate.


4-Step Objection Handling Scripts:

Scripts to overcome the four core objections on sales calls, improving persuasion and conversion.


High-Ticket Sales Call Recordings:

Real recordings of high-ticket sales calls, demonstrating expert techniques for handling scenarios and objections.

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Imagine the thrill of hearing "Yes! How do I get started?" at the end of every sales call, knowing that you've not only secured a new high-ticket client, but also delivered immense value and transformed their life in the process.

High-Impact Client Fulfillment ($997 Value)


Efficient Client Fulfillment:

Systems to provide amazing service, helping 50K+ clients achieve results.


Onboarding Templates:

Templates for seamless onboarding, delivering world-class experience and outcomes.


Automated Client Fulfillment:

Automate onboarding, check-ins, referrals, testimonials, with welcome pack for exceptional experience and upgrades.


Perfect Upgrade Formula:

Double revenue through upselling, irresistible offer suite, growth-oriented team, focusing on high-leverage tasks.

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Are you Losing clients to competitors who offer better customer experiences and more value, damaging the business's reputation and bottom line?

Create incredible results for your clients while you become more efficient with time and resources in the fulfillment process.

Get our "Behind-the-Scenes" Fulfilment strategies will help build your entire client success journey from A to Z, strategically designed to maximize upsells and minimize churn.

With the High-Impact Client Fulfillment system, you'll have the tools and knowledge to create a client fulfillment process that guarantees results for your clients without overwhelming you or your team.

Elite Leadership Blueprint

($497 Value)


Captivating Mission Articulation:

Inspire your team with a shared vision that aligns everyone towards a common goal.


Thriving Culture Building:

Attract and retain top talent by cultivating a supportive and empowering environment.


Proven Hiring Systems:

Hiring templates and systems to identify and attract individuals who possess the necessary skills and align with your company's values.


Effective Management Techniques:

How to keep your team focused, productive, and engaged, providing clear direction and fostering open communication.

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This is for you if you want to build a high-performing team that frees up your time and scales your impact.

Unlock the secrets to creating the lifestyle you want by making your mindset work for you.

Elite QuickStart Roadmap

($997 Value)


7-Figure Fix-It Framework:

Quickly diagnose and fix the "leaky buckets" in your business.


Milestone Mapping System:

Clarify your goals and create a step-by-step success action plan.


3 Exponential Growth Keys:

The critical areas to optimize for unlocking rapid revenue growth.


Efficiency Accelerator:

Instantly identify and eliminate time and money-wasting activities.


7-Figure Mindset Shift:

The simple mindset change to catapult you to the top 1% of your industry.

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The Elite QuickStart Roadmap Training is your fast-track solution to gaining complete clarity and a step-by-step plan for scaling your business to seven figures and beyond once you join Elite University.

Based on your specific business stage and needs, we'll point you to the most relevant training and resources so you can get rapid results without wasting a single second.

No more going through endless courses trying to piece together a strategy - we'll guide you straight to the most relevant information and tactics you need right now.

If you're ready to finally ditch the frustration and uncertainty of trying to figure it all out on your own, and start following a clear, proven roadmap to the business and life of your dreams, the Elite Quickstart Roadmap Training is your must-have guide.

Organic Lead Machine

($497 Value)


2024 Organic Traffic Secrets:

Discover 'little-known' organic traffic methods to generate leads consistently without spending on Ads.


Untapped Lead Sources:

Tap into hidden sources of high-quality leads and stand out from the crowd.


High-Converting Messaging Scripts & Templates:

Use proven scripts and templates to start conversations and convert them into highly qualified call bookings every week.


Top 1% Buyer Attraction:

Prime your social media profiles to attract the top 1% high-ticket buyers in your market.


Organic Client Acquisition Truth:

Learn the right way to get clients organically and the truth about organic marketing most coaches hide.

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My closely guarded organic marketing playbook for attracting your ideal clients predictably and consistently without spending a cent on ads.

Plus, discover the secret to becoming magnetic to your ideal clients and get them reaching out to you daily.

I'll walk you through little-known, under-the-radar traffic strategies working right now and show you exactly how to become magnetic to your dream buyers and get them reaching out to you daily.

Prospect-to-Client Accelerator ($997 Value)


Lead Nurturing Tactics:

Access tactics that converted 1.5M+ leads into 50K+ clients, with a 7-Step Nurture system.


40+ Weekly Sales Calls:

Proven tools and strategies we use to consistently book 40+ high-quality sales calls every week.


Personalized Conversations:

7-step follow-up system to convert cold prospects into booked meetings in ≤7 days, and create high-converting lead magnets.


Conversion Conversations™ System:

Scale 1:1 conversations using our AI-powered Elite Operating System for more leads and closures.


12-Step Strap Up Process:

Dial in your sales message for endless content ideas, and discover 3-posting strategies for warm, qualified leads daily.

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Conversation Systems: Scripts and templates to start conversations and convert to qualified call bookings, generating 32K+ sales calls in 6 years.

As you implement these automation and nurture campaigns, you'll see your sales pipeline overflowing with red-hot, ready-to-buy leads, while you save countless hours of manual labor.

8-Figure Scaling Secrets ($997 Value)


Winning Team Building:

Hiring process to build a winning team, find, attract, hire, and retain top talent for faster scaling and growth.


SOPs & Pay Structures:

Creating SOPs & pay structures, incentivizing setters, and tracking lead sources, lifetime value, and ROI.


Setter Hiring & SOPs:

Skyrocket booked calls with well-trained appointment setters, creating SOPs & pay structures to motivate performance.


Sales Hiring & SOPs:

Extend hiring and training to build a high-performing sales team that consistently closes deals and drives revenue.


Team Management Formula:

Manage a 60+ person team, minimize meetings, create SOPs for new hires, and manage finances and payroll.

Read more

Advanced Growth Strategies: Mindsets, systems, leadership principles, and decisions to scale to $100M and help clients generate over $1B.

Trying to do everything yourself and wearing all the hats in your business?

If your business can't grow without you working 24/7, you're doing it wrong. Focus on building a team and system instead.

A business is only as strong as the people running it.

Without the right hiring systems, you'll be stuck with B and C players. These trainings provide the "hiring funnel" to attract and retain top 1% talent.

With the 8-Figure Scaling Secrets, you'll have the roadmap to optimize your systems, scale to 8-figures and beyond, and become a strong leader with an effective, high-performing team.

PLUS, Over $7,982 Worth of Ready-To-Use Bonuses To Help You Grow Your Online Sales Today Based On Over $100M Sales We've Generated

#1 The 5X ROI Toolkit ($997 Value)

A collection of our best tactics, funnel templates, and pre-built email sequences that you can plug in right NOW in your business and start seeing immediate results within the next few weeks as soon as you join our Elite University.

These are our best tactics, which we've only shared with our Mastermind clients.

Apply these tactics as soon as you get access and get immediate quick wins towards making back a significant ROI for the price you pay today!

#2 A.I Push-Button Launch System ($497 Value)

Our go-to method of using A.I to create amazing offer launches in 14 days that fill out our calendar with high-quality sales calls in our calendar.

This push-button launch system literally automates the creation of high-converting marketing assets, pre-framing your prospects, and booking high-quality sales calls directly into your calendar.

#3 Free 7-day Elite 360 Access ($497 Value)

As a 1-time special bonus, you'll get a 7-day free Access pass to our 24/7 AI-powered Elite Operating System, and you can cancel anytime.

It’s the exact system that has made us over 100M dollars in sales by generating 32,173 sales calls.

This All-in-one platform automates conversations with leads, helping set appointments and getting them ready for your high-ticket offers.

#4 Elite University Roadmap Call ($997 Value)

Typically reserved for private clients, you'll get a one-time opportunity to book a complimentary evaluation call with one of our expert business Advisors.

Imagine the relief of finally understanding what's been holding you back from achieving consistent sales and the excitement of having a clear, actionable plan to break free from the "emotional revenue roller coaster".

#5 Free VIP Access pass to In-Person Events ($1997 Value)

Free General Access pass to in-person events, where you can meet other high-level entrepreneurs at your level and spend time with me one-on-one.

Network with Top A-Level Players and connect with people who have been in the trenches building multiple businesses.

You'll have the opportunity to engage with them 1-1, getting tailored advice and solutions to the unique challenges you face in your business journey.

#6 What’s Working Right Now Masterclass Series ($2997 Value)

Each month, we'll launch paid masterclasses on marketing tactics Working Right Now to turbo-charge your conversions.

These masterclasses will cover topics such as AI Copywriting, Email Deliverability, and Funnels, giving you the most up-to-date strategies to boost your business.

Participate in live calls with industry experts who will share their firsthand experience and reveal what's working best in the market.

During these calls, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, receive personalized advice, and learn from the successes and challenges of those who have achieved 8-figure growth.

And keep in mind you won’t just be learning from me, you’ll be learning from my A+ staff in all aspects of our business.

PLUS, Over $7,982 Worth of Ready-To-Use Bonuses To Help You Grow Your Online Sales Today Based On Over $100M Sales We've Generated

#1 The 5X ROI Toolkit ($997 Value)

A collection of our best tactics, funnel templates, and pre-built email sequences that you can plug in right NOW in your business and start seeing immediate results within the next few weeks as soon as you join our Elite University.

These are our best tactics, which we've only shared with our Mastermind clients.

Apply these tactics as soon as you get access and get immediate quick wins towards making back a significant ROI for the price you pay today!

#2 A.I Push-Button Launch System ($497 Value)

Our go-to method of using A.I to create amazing offer launches in 14 days that fill out our calendar with high-quality sales calls in our calendar.

This push-button launch system literally automates the creation of high-converting marketing assets, pre-framing your prospects, and booking high-quality sales calls directly into your calendar.

#3 Free 7-day Elite 360 Access ($497 Value)

As a 1-time special bonus, you'll get a 7-day free Access pass to our 24/7 AI-powered Elite Operating System, and you can cancel anytime.

It’s the exact system that has made us over 100M dollars in sales by generating 32,173 sales calls.

This All-in-one platform automates conversations with leads, helping set appointments and getting them ready for your high-ticket offers.

#4 Elite University Roadmap Call ($997 Value)

Typically reserved for private clients, you'll get a one-time opportunity to book a complimentary evaluation call with one of our expert business Advisors.

Imagine the relief of finally understanding what's been holding you back from achieving consistent sales and the excitement of having a clear, actionable plan to break free from the "emotional revenue roller coaster".

#5 Free VIP Access pass to In-Person Events ($1997 Value)

Free General Access pass to in-person events, where you can meet other high-level entrepreneurs at your level and spend time with me one-on-one.

Network with Top A-Level Players and connect with people who have been in the trenches building multiple businesses.

You'll have the opportunity to engage with them 1-1, getting tailored advice and solutions to the unique challenges you face in your business journey.

#6 What’s Working Right Now Masterclass Series ($2997 Value)

Each month, we'll launch paid masterclasses on marketing tactics Working Right Now to turbo-charge your conversions.

These masterclasses will cover topics such as AI Copywriting, Email Deliverability, and Funnels, giving you the most up-to-date strategies to boost your business.

Participate in live calls with industry experts who will share their firsthand experience and reveal what's working best in the market.

During these calls, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, receive personalized advice, and learn from the successes and challenges of those who have achieved 8-figure growth.

And keep in mind you won’t just be learning from me, you’ll be learning from my A+ staff in all aspects of our business.

They’ll be sharing their expertise

on things we’re doing right now to grow our own company..

You’ll be getting direct insight into our strategies for:

  • Offer Creation

  • Organic Traffic

  • Paid Traffic

  • Messaging

  • Nurturing

  • Copywriting

  • Sales

  • Fulfillment

  • And so much more!

If you want to learn from myself, and some of the best entrepreneurs in the world, grow or scale your business, and make connections of a lifetime…

Elite University is the first step in your journey toward becoming the 1%

What’s the price? $97 a month

How to sign up? Click the button below

BTW…if you don’t like it, you can cancel at any time.

Come join me and some of the most elite business owners online!

Monthly Plan:

  • Flexible monthly payments

  • Full access to all features

  • Ideal for short-term needs or trial periods

  • Cancel anytime

  • Onboarding Call

  • A-Z 9 Figure Business Curriculum

  • Community of 6,7, & 8 Figure Entrepreneurs

  • 1-1 interaction w/Tanner Chidester via loom

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated anywhere on this funnel are individual sales figures and marketing results. Please understand that sales figures are not typical, and we are not implying that you will duplicate them. We have the benefit of doing marketing for 6+ years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who simply purchases any “how-to” program may not follow through on what they are being taught and because of that we cannot guarantee any specific result. We are using these references for example purposes only. Sales figures will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

>ABOUT THE STRATEGY SESSION: After completing an application, you will get the opportunity to schedule in a Strategy Session with a qualified person from our team. This is completely optional. The Session lasts about 60 minutes and if you do not want to work more closely with us, you can leave without buying anything. The Strategy Session to provide insights insights on the operations of your business and offer strategies for growth that you will be able to implement right away.

NOT FACEBOOK™: This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

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